Christmas: America and the World have Gone From: “Oh Holy Night” To “Everybody Knows?” Embracing The Return of the Old gods …

By: Dr. Jake Baker
Christmas is once again upon us but sadly, this Christmas season we find ourselves at a dark juncture. We are at the time of the return of the old gods. Our song has changed from “Oh, Holy Night” to that of Leonard Cohen’s “Everybody Knows.”
In that song, Cohen, who, while draped in dark paganism, seems to have a prophetic understanding of the times, tells us:
“Everybody knows that the dice are loaded, everybody rolls with their fingers crossed. Everybody knows that the war is over everybody knows that the good guys lost.”
One, a song of triumph as that holy night unfolded and humanity was freed from the icy grip of the pagan deities Baal, Aphrodite, and Moloch, and captivity was changed for light and life in Yeshua our Messiah. On that first Christmas morn the Son of Yahweh, Ruler, and Creator, not only left the throne of heaven but became a part of the creation that He would later suffer and die for that we might know the joy of that wonderful Holy Night.
The other song, “Everybody Knows,” a song of sad embrace of the tragic reality that man has once again, just as in the days of Noah, foolishly left the peace of that Christmas Night to embrace the dark horror of the Prediluvian pagan world. From government to the media, to giant global corporations, and the money powers that rule the world … the deck is stacked against us and it would appear that the battle is lost. But do not despair. While the battle is dread and we are disparaged, jailed and hurt all the day long, our victory will yet come but only if we finish the course and persevere to the end.
So, this year, which Christmas will you embrace? “Oh, Holy Night”, which offers us eternal peace and victory, following the trek of the Savior of mankind from the splendor of heaven to a lowly stable in Bethlehem, and then all the way to a blood-stained hill at Calvary, and finally to His victorious resurrection, or the path that leads us back to the days of Noah where every imagination of man was evil continually.
Whether we acknowledge it or attempt to bury our heads in the eternal sand, both humanity and “the church” stand at that crossroads with a sin sick planet that seems giddy at the prospect of embracing darkness and perversion as their own. But it seems even in this darkened state, in the pit of their stomach people know something is wrong.
Interestingly, a recent survey revealed that four in ten Americans believe we are living in the “last days”. Scripture points out that at the end of time life will be just like in the days of Noah.
“And as it was in the days of Noe (Noah), so shall it be in the days of the Son of Man.”
So, what was it like in the days of Noah? Scripture tells us that the world was ruled by corruption… a corruption so deep and so all-embracing that “GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”
At the time of Noah planet earth was inhabited by perhaps as many as 15 billion people. Society was a toxic blend of sexual perversion, violence, and darkness. Every aspect of life was ruled by corrupt evil god-men along with their progenitors, the fallen ones described in Genesis 6. The generations or lineage of men had been corrupted with transhumanism, when the “sons of god” took as wives the daughters of men and a race of “gods” was born, who were the very picture of darkness and evil. Scripture tells us that these “giants” were on the earth both before and after the flood and were led by demonic powers.
Enter The Christmas Bull – The Symbol of The Old god.
The date was Dec. 15, 1989, and Italian sculptor, Arturo Di Modica, wanted to thank his adopted country, America, for his prosperity and therefore delivered his present to Wall Street. It was a charging bull that stood eleven feet high and weighed a hefty seven thousand pounds. History tells us of another golden calf delivered at the hand of man in Genesis 32. “He took what they handed him and made it into an idol cast in the shape of a calf, fashioning it with a tool. Then they said, “These are your gods, Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt.” Did the artist know what he had fashioned?
Modicai thought this charging bull a now raging image of the golden calf would be the perfect gift to wish prosperity for the stock market. Unfortunately, Wall Street didn’t understand the thought behind the gift and was not amused. They had the statue removed and impounded. However, popular opinion was behind the bull and soon it was returned to a location on Broadway, just a few blocks from Wall Street.
Knowingly, or unknowingly, the bull statue was the perfect representation of the “god of Wall Street,” (or if you will) the golden calf, the moniker of the god of possession and lord of ownership, Baal. He represents slavery, theft, covetousness, and money as “god.”
And, of course, no unholy trinity would be complete without Moloch, the god of pleasure, blood, and death. Researchers tell us that above all other traits, Moloch is the god of pleasure at any cost, with an insatiable need for the shedding of innocent blood. Israel was punished for the thousands of babies they sacrificed on the altar of pleasure to the god Moloch. Yahweh said he would destroy Israel because they filled Jerusalem with innocent blood.
Here, in America, we have filled the nation with the innocent blood of sixty-five million babies. That innocent blood is crying out against America before the throne of heaven.
Even at that first Christmas, Moloch demanded blood, and his blood-stained hand can even be seen at the birth of the Messiah. Matthew chapter 2 tells us that Herod led by Satan, ordered the murder of all children under the age of two in an effort to quell redemption and kill the newborn king.
But, one might say, we just saw the overturn of “Roe vs Wade.” Is not that a defeat for Satan’s plan of bloodshed? Sadly, there is a lot more to that ruling than meets the eye. It was in my estimation, put in play to stir up a more violent blood lust.
The ruling wasn’t about abortion being overturned, but was instead about giving the left a rallying point just before the midterm elections. In so doing, it set the stage for the election theft. The left and globalists could use that decision as a rallying point and victory cry and claim it was a contributing factor in their only slight losses, which in reality gave, cover to their treasonous election rigging.
But those who take delight in the murder of the unborn have been captured by a furious demonic spirit of rage and are even now demanding more blood – glorying in their “right” to murder the unborn. They want more blood – enough blood to fill the entire nation – and it is that innocent blood that has filled the cup of wrath that sits in the tent of the tabernacle of the temple in heaven. Soon that cup of wrath will be poured out as the angels proceed from the tabernacle of testimony described in in Revelation 15.
Finally, there is Aphrodite
Aphrodite, goddess of love, sexual pleasure, perversion, and yes, war. Aphrodite has been called by several different names such as Ashtar, Ishtar, and others, but her role has always remained the same. History tells us, that, Aphrodite was famous not for love, but lust and especially sexual perversion and the violence of war.
Here is what researchers have said of the goddess:
“The sexual identity of this goddess is controversial. In one late text, Ishtar says of herself: “I am a woman, I am a man.” Ishtar could be viewed as a beautiful goddess of love who rules the day and as a bearded god(dess) of war who rules the night. It is claimed that the androgyny of Inanna/Ishtar provided a powerful symbol of the ambiguities of pure sexuality reflected in her cult, and in the transvestism of her cultic personnel.” (Groneberg 1986).
“Ishtar has been considered androgynous because even in her male role she never becomes fully male, but seems to be a female with male gender characteristics.”
Her role often was defined as making women masculine and men feminine. Sound familiar? In other words, her role was sexual confusion because she is of Satan who despises humanity and lives to destroy the creation back to Genesis where Yahweh says of humankind that he made them male and female. All the other gender identity with LGBTQ+++ is just perverse soul-destroying nonsense.
But, standing in stark contrast to this darkness … there is Christmas. On that first Christmas day the world was forever changed.
Luke 2 tells us: “For unto us was born a Savior, which is Christ the Lord”
From that very moment life was transformed. As the gospel of Yeshua went out into and across the world, it broke the stranglehold of the gods of darkness, the unholy trinity of Baal, Moloch, and Aphrodite, on the hearts of man. The grip of their talons was released and in place of the darkness came the light and with it the largest mass exorcism in history and the world began being cleansed.
From that moment on, what would become western civilization began taking shape. The gospel spread from Jerusalem and the Middle East to western Europe and eventually the pagans from all over Europe began to bow the knee to the Messiah.
Powerful men tried to use the gospel to enslave humankind through the inquisitions, wars, and butchery but in the end, men and women of faith set sail for a new land and a new life. It was in that new land that “religion,” Christianity, pure and undefiled took root. That root would lead to the most powerful, most blessed, most prosperous nation in history. It would produce an exceptional nation of exceptional people – because of that first Christmas morning. The history of the world would be changed because of Christmas.
It was their faith that created strong men. And strong men fought their way through hard times. Strong men produced a strong nation and with it, prosperity, and good times. But, as in the history of Israel, a strong nation and prosperity can and often does produce arrogance and a belief that we were and are exceptional because of our own abilities discounting the propitious smiles of heaven. And sadly good times taken for granted produces soft men.
Soft men no longer do the hard things and as their righteousness and morality softens, they begin loosening their hold on righteousness and faith. Soft men produce hard times because as they lose their moorings to Biblical values, the old gods once again return and begin recapturing the hearts and imaginations of men.
And that is our plight this Christmas season. Hollywood and the left are clamoring for the blood of our children, manically demanding a bloodlust that can’t be satiated. They not only condone abortion and infanticide but glory in the thought of the killing.
Homosexuality, sexual identity confusion, glorifying transgenderism, lust for money, power, while in a mad rush to acquire absolute control of humanity, is all consuming for the new rulers of the darkness of this world and scripture has prophesied that America, end time Babylon, will be destroyed for the idolatry of her covetousness, for shedding innocent blood and for her sexual sin.
So, at this Christmas season, who will receive our worship? The unholy trinity, which tells us to buy more presents and useless trinkets, loading up our budget to the max, while indulging in a placid acceptance of diversity and support of those who are actively enslaving us with our own money and desire for easy living and peace with the world… or will we once again turn to the humble manger and embrace our Messiah?
This Christmas I pray each of us will take stock of our lives and reject the pagan gods that so subtly plant their roots into our hearts and lives. This Christmas I pray that as we approach the end of life as we know it, the end of America as we know it, you and I will once again hear the voice of heaven calling us back to a time of simple, pure faith. We must reject the darkness of paganism and reclaim our birthright of faith and righteousness in Messiah and commit ourselves to being sanctified before the manger. But there will be a price to be paid. Even now our brothers in faith sit in prisons, jailed by corrupt officials and evil prosecutors who in frenzied anti-Christian persecution drum up specious charges and outrageous sentences.
The days ahead, my friends, are going to be filled with shock and even horror. We will see the economy in freefall. We will see the housing market implode. We will see a worldwide depression and men clamoring for someone … anyone to save them. And a man of evil will arise from that darkness.
But don’t be deceived. He is not your Messiah. Your Messiah will come at the end of these terrible days with great power and great glory to gather His people unto himself.
That is the message of Christmas. Not a message of peace with the world but peace between Yahweh and man.
This is a clarion call to humility, strength, and faith amid a dark winter night that is even now descending upon the earth. While there is yet peace with Yahweh, there will be no peace for believers in a world that is growing darker by the day.
But do not despair because the message of the angels has not and will not change.
Luke: 6 And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.
7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
May the overawing peace of Christmas comfort you in these dark times. May the star of Bethlehem guide us back to faith so simple that it bows in humble adoration at the manger of Bethlehem. And know that after the darkness comes the light … And though the battle will be long, and men’s hearts will fail them for fear, for the faithful, we will in the end, with our Messiah, prevail.
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
And finally…
To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.
Merry Christmas to all. This year especially, hold your dear ones close, store up the memories of the love and laughter and cherish your blessings while you can and gaze in adoring wonder once again at the star of Bethlehem that guides us home.
One Comment
Rod Baker
We have almost lost America. The tyrants are taking control day by day. We are flooded with migrants who cannot speak English, who have no job skills, and who will require billions of dollars in federal support for many years. They will become voters in two or three years. Already our economy teeters on the brink of federal insolvency. Equally bad, our enemies have surpassed us in military might. America is almost lost. However, our God still rules. He does not need America to fulfill his plan. He won the victory on the cross, and we will rule with j one day. That is my hallelujah today. Merry Christmas.